Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (14 results returned)

#7028, aired 2015-03-18TRUE CRIMEA $400: In 1954 Crimea was transferred to this then-SSR; in 2014, it was untransferred Ukraine
#7028, aired 2015-03-18TRUE CRIMEA $800: 2,600 years ago this civilization founded the Crimean city of Chersonesus Greece
#7028, aired 2015-03-18TRUE CRIMEA $1600: In 1502 the last surviving remnant of this "lustrous" band of the Mongol Empire was destroyed by the Crimean Khanate the Golden Horde
#7028, aired 2015-03-18TRUE CRIMEA $1,800 (Daily Double): It was British Secretary of War Sidney Herbert who sent this woman to the Crimea Florence Nightingale
#7028, aired 2015-03-18TRUE CRIMEA $2000: Crimea rivers include the Chernaya, at whose mouth is this most important Black Sea naval center Sevastopol
#4368, aired 2003-09-10CRIMEA RIVER $400: Simferopol, on the Salgir River, is one of Crimea's top producers of this ancient fermented beverage wine
#4368, aired 2003-09-10CRIMEA RIVER $800: The Chernaya River Valley was the "Valley of Death" for "The Six Hundred" of this valiant title group the Light Brigade
#4368, aired 2003-09-10CRIMEA RIVER $1200: In the 1991 coup, this Soviet pres. was held under house arrest in Foros, not far from the Uchan-Su waterfall Mikhail Gorbachev
#4368, aired 2003-09-10CRIMEA RIVER $1600: This resort straddling the Bystra River was the site of a historic meeting of the Big 3 in February 1945 Yalta
#3522, aired 1999-12-21CRIMEA $200: Like Mathew Brady in the Civil War, Roger Fenton is famous for doing this during the Crimean War taking photographs
#3522, aired 1999-12-21CRIMEA $400: The leading resort town of the Crimean Peninsula; the Big 3 met there Yalta
#3522, aired 1999-12-21CRIMEA $500 (Daily Double): In 1954 Russia transferred the province of Crimea to this republic the Ukraine
#3522, aired 1999-12-21CRIMEA $800: Catherine the Great fortified the port settlement of Akhtiar & renamed it this Sevastopol
#3522, aired 1999-12-21CRIMEA $1000: After being wounded by natives while in Africa with Speke, he served as a noncombatant in the Crimean War Sir Richard Burton

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