Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6998, aired 2015-02-04CRIME & LAW ENFORCEMENT $200: To create false responsibility for a crime so that it falls on an innocent person is known by this carpentry term framing
#6998, aired 2015-02-04CRIME & LAW ENFORCEMENT $400: 2-word term for a crime committed by an employee of the victimized business inside job
#6998, aired 2015-02-04CRIME & LAW ENFORCEMENT $600: From the Latin for "keeping awake", it's a member of a self-appointed law enforcement group vigilante
#6998, aired 2015-02-04CRIME & LAW ENFORCEMENT $800: The original London Police Commissioner's office at 4 Whitehall Place abutted the street called "Great" this Scotland Yard
#6998, aired 2015-02-04CRIME & LAW ENFORCEMENT $1000: This task, creating a background of a bad guy, is done at the FBI's National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime profiling

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