Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (39 results returned)

#8157, aired 2020-02-11CRAYOLA COLORS IN OTHER FORMS $200: Despite looking a lot like insulation, this alliterative spun sugar confection is always a fave cotton candy
#8157, aired 2020-02-11CRAYOLA COLORS IN OTHER FORMS $400: To grow crimson in embarrassment, or a cosmetic used to add color to cheeks blush
#8157, aired 2020-02-11CRAYOLA COLORS IN OTHER FORMS $600: The name of this plant comes from an Irish word meaning "clover" shamrock
#8157, aired 2020-02-11CRAYOLA COLORS IN OTHER FORMS $800: This type of light has a wavelength shorter than 400 nanometers (but the crayon splits it into 2 words) ultraviolet
#8157, aired 2020-02-11CRAYOLA COLORS IN OTHER FORMS $1000: "Off we go into" this 3-word phrase in an Air Force song, "climbing high into the sun" wild blue yonder
#7956, aired 2019-03-25CRAYOLA COLORS $200: Naturally, this holiday has a shade in the red family & the green family Christmas
#7956, aired 2019-03-25CRAYOLA COLORS $400: Flower-named purples include lilac, orchid & this, the state flower of Illinois & Rhode Island violet
#7956, aired 2019-03-25CRAYOLA COLORS $600: This gem's name precedes "white" in the name of a Crayola color pearl
#7956, aired 2019-03-25CRAYOLA COLORS $800: Hues in the orange family with edible names include clementine, peach & this dish that pairs elbow pasta with cheddar macaroni and cheese
#7956, aired 2019-03-25CRAYOLA COLORS $1000: This green named for a trifoliate plant is perfect for St. Patrick's Day shamrock
#7684, aired 2018-01-25CRAYOLA COLORS $200: In 1993 consumers were asked to name new colors & came up with this "mountains' majesty" purple mountains' majesty
#7684, aired 2018-01-25CRAYOLA COLORS $400: In 1996 the 100 billionth Crayola was molded in this color, the top prize at many a state fair blue ribbon
#7684, aired 2018-01-25CRAYOLA COLORS $600: In 1990 Crayola retired this color, a synonym for "corn" maize
#7684, aired 2018-01-25CRAYOLA COLORS $800: The original 1903 box of 8 crayons contained black, brown, blue, red, violet, yellow, green & this fruit orange
#7684, aired 2018-01-25CRAYOLA COLORS $1000: Burnt umber was discontinued; burnt this was spared in 2003 thanks to votes from thousands of fans sienna
#6433, aired 2012-08-01CRAYOLA COLORS $400: In a current 120-crayon box, the first color alphabetically is this, like a certain nut almond
#6433, aired 2012-08-01CRAYOLA COLORS $800: Look up! This color in Spanish is cielo azul sky blue
#6433, aired 2012-08-01CRAYOLA COLORS $1200: Tickle me this color was introduced in 1993, piggy in 1998 pink
#6433, aired 2012-08-01CRAYOLA COLORS $1600: Umber's been retired; the 2 "burnt" colors are orange & this sienna
#6433, aired 2012-08-01CRAYOLA COLORS $2000: The original 1903 Crayolas included red, orange, yellow, green, blue & violet; this 7th rainbow color joined in 2000 indigo
#5093, aired 2006-11-01CRAYOLA COLORS $200: In 1990 Crayola introduced a fluorescent color called Unmellow this Yellow
#5093, aired 2006-11-01CRAYOLA COLORS $400: What was once called flesh is now this, like the fruit Peach
#5093, aired 2006-11-01CRAYOLA COLORS $600: Irish eyes must smile at the green crayon called this, like a certain 3-leaved plant Shamrock
#5093, aired 2006-11-01CRAYOLA COLORS $800: Crayola had a purple crayon named for this shrub before the "Desperate Housewives" lived on its lane Wisteria
#5093, aired 2006-11-01CRAYOLA COLORS $1000: In 1993 Crayola added a mellow orange crayon & named it for this pasta dish Macaroni and Cheese
#4630, aired 2004-10-22CRAYOLA COLORS $200: Screamin & Caribbean are 2 of our favorite shades of this (okay, we like the Forest shade, too) green
#4630, aired 2004-10-22CRAYOLA COLORS $400: Some birdbrain at Crayola came up with a color called Pink this bird Flamingo
#4630, aired 2004-10-22CRAYOLA COLORS $600: What a "joy" when this nut debuted as a Crayola color in 1998 Almond
#4630, aired 2004-10-22CRAYOLA COLORS $800: In 2003 Crayola celebrated its 100th birthday by adding some new colors, including "Mango" this (hey, that rhymes) Tango
#4194, aired 2002-11-21ORIGINAL CRAYOLA COLORS $200: If you were jealous of someone's pack of crayons, you'd be this "with envy" green
#4194, aired 2002-11-21ORIGINAL CRAYOLA COLORS $400: Before tan was added in 1949, this was the only 3-letter color in the box red
#4194, aired 2002-11-21ORIGINAL CRAYOLA COLORS $600: Crayon for the belly of your sapsucker or a caution card in soccer yellow
#4194, aired 2002-11-21ORIGINAL CRAYOLA COLORS $800: These 2 common eye colors are the school colors of Tufts University brown & blue
#4194, aired 2002-11-21ORIGINAL CRAYOLA COLORS $1000: More recently it's been burnt, outrageous & sunset; back in 1903 it was just this orange
#3780, aired 2001-01-26CRAYOLA CRAYON COLORS $100: Shocking -- but shades of this color include Tickle Me, Pig & Flamingo Pink
#3780, aired 2001-01-26CRAYOLA CRAYON COLORS $200: This shade of brown shares its name with a bear who had no hair Fuzzy Wuzzy
#3780, aired 2001-01-26CRAYOLA CRAYON COLORS $300: 2 of the first 3 metallic colors introduced Gold, silver &/or copper
#3780, aired 2001-01-26CRAYOLA CRAYON COLORS $400: In response to teachers' requests, Prussian Blue became this "timely" color in 1958 Midnight Blue
#3780, aired 2001-01-26CRAYOLA CRAYON COLORS $500: Ingmar Bergman should be pleased with this fruity color, added in 1990 Wild Strawberry

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