Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (16 results returned)

#8309, aired 2021-01-07HOBBIES & CRAFTS $200: Here's the gear you should wear when you practice this beekeeping
#8309, aired 2021-01-07HOBBIES & CRAFTS $400: Actress Laura Prepon is among those who have taken up this hobby, crafting ashtrays & bowls out of clay pottery
#8309, aired 2021-01-07HOBBIES & CRAFTS $600: Dan Robbins created these kits in the 1950s to appeal to budding adult artists; beginner kits came with 20 colors Paint by Numbers
#8309, aired 2021-01-07HOBBIES & CRAFTS $800: With origami, paper is folded into designs & objects; kirigami uses paper & a pair of these to execute designs scissors
#8309, aired 2021-01-07HOBBIES & CRAFTS $1000: Take up this 5-letter type of yoga that many westerners perform as a type of exercise hatha
#7871, aired 2018-11-26CRAFTS & HOBBIES $200: This pastime of digging into your family's past & tracing its history is one of America's most popular hobbies genealogy
#7871, aired 2018-11-26CRAFTS & HOBBIES $400: Ravensburger is a big name in this pastime; it makes a Disney one with 40,000 pieces a jigsaw puzzle
#7871, aired 2018-11-26CRAFTS & HOBBIES $600: Seen here are some of the supplies used in this hobby scrapbooking
#7871, aired 2018-11-26CRAFTS & HOBBIES $1,000 (Daily Double): It's become a 9-letter word for the hobby of shopping for old furniture & collectibles antiquing
#7871, aired 2018-11-26CRAFTS & HOBBIES $1000: You can make hats, sweaters & more with this type of needlework whose name is French for "hook" crocheting
#7793, aired 2018-06-27CRAFTS & HOBBIES $2,000 (Daily Double): Terms used in this craft include batting, binding & block of the month quilting
#2552, aired 1995-10-10HOBBIES & CRAFTS $100: A receptarist would cut these out of the food section of the L.A. times recipes
#2552, aired 1995-10-10HOBBIES & CRAFTS $200: This brownish-yellow fossil resin is used to make jewelry amber
#2552, aired 1995-10-10HOBBIES & CRAFTS $300: A phillumenist collects labels from boxes of these illuminators matches
#2552, aired 1995-10-10HOBBIES & CRAFTS $400: From Old English for a fishhook, this is the term for fishing with a hook & line angling
#2552, aired 1995-10-10HOBBIES & CRAFTS $500: By pursuing this hobby a gardener may dig up the roots of his family tree genealogy

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