Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6590, aired 2013-04-19COVERING YOUR BASES $400: In chemistry, a base is a substance that turns red vegetable dyes this color blue
#6590, aired 2013-04-19COVERING YOUR BASES $800: A home run with the bases loaded a grand slam
#6590, aired 2013-04-19COVERING YOUR BASES $1200: If you're trying to accomplish this feat, know that South Base Camp is in Nepal & North Base Camp is in Tibet climbing Mount Everest
#6590, aired 2013-04-19COVERING YOUR BASES $1600: Each rung on the DNA double helix represents one of these, such as A-T a base pair
#6590, aired 2013-04-19COVERING YOUR BASES $2000: Found in a British Harry Potter title, this stone was sought by alchemists to turn base metals into precious ones a philosopher's stone

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