Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#4721, aired 2005-02-28 | COUNTRIES IN FRENCH $200: Les Emirats Arabes Unis the United Arab Emirates |
#4721, aired 2005-02-28 | COUNTRIES IN FRENCH $400: Le Liban Lebanon |
#4721, aired 2005-02-28 | COUNTRIES IN FRENCH $600: La Coree du Nord North Korea |
#4721, aired 2005-02-28 | COUNTRIES IN FRENCH $800: Le Royaume-Uni the United Kingdom |
#4721, aired 2005-02-28 | COUNTRIES IN FRENCH $1000: Les Pays-Bas The Netherlands |
#3320, aired 1999-01-29 | COUNTRIES IN FRENCH $100: Nouvelle-Zelande New Zealand |
#3320, aired 1999-01-29 | COUNTRIES IN FRENCH $200: Les Etats-Unis The United States |
#3320, aired 1999-01-29 | COUNTRIES IN FRENCH $300: Suede Sweden |
#3320, aired 1999-01-29 | COUNTRIES IN FRENCH $400: Afrique du Sud South Africa |
#3320, aired 1999-01-29 | COUNTRIES IN FRENCH $500: Allemagne Germany |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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