Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7646, aired 2017-12-04COUNTRIES BY FIRST LETTER $400: Heading southwest across South America, it's B, B, C--Brazil & these 2 Bolivia & Chile
#7646, aired 2017-12-04COUNTRIES BY FIRST LETTER $1200: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map of north Africa.) From west to east across the top of north Africa, the first letters of the four highlighted countries spell out this word male
#7646, aired 2017-12-04COUNTRIES BY FIRST LETTER $1600: Drink an I, P, A going northwest into central Asia: India & these 2 Pakistan & Afghanistan
#7646, aired 2017-12-04COUNTRIES BY FIRST LETTER $2,000 (Daily Double): Crossing Iberia, you see P, S, A, for Portugal & these 2 nations Spain & Andorra
#7646, aired 2017-12-04COUNTRIES BY FIRST LETTER $2000: A clockwise tour of southeast Asian bordering countries is B, L, T--Burma followed by this pair Laos & Thailand

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