Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8376, aired 2021-04-12COUNTING ON TELEVISION $400: In 2010 TV viewers said aloha as in "hello" to this remake with Alex O'Loughlin; in 2020 it was aloha as in "goodbye" Hawaii Five-0
#8376, aired 2021-04-12COUNTING ON TELEVISION $800: "That '70s Show" helped launch the careers of Mila Kunis, Topher Grace & this actor who played Michael Kelso Ashton Kutcher
#8376, aired 2021-04-12COUNTING ON TELEVISION $1200: Rita Moreno starred as Cuban-American grandma Lydia Riera on this reboot of a 1970s sitcom One Day at a Time
#8376, aired 2021-04-12COUNTING ON TELEVISION $1600: "16 and Pregnant" on this cable channel follows the trials & tribulations of young women unexpectedly expecting MTV
#8376, aired 2021-04-12COUNTING ON TELEVISION $2000: This Nevada-set "Cops" parody features inept deputies & police uniform short shorts for men Reno 911!

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