Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8393, aired 2021-05-05 | CORPORATE MASCOTS $200: Chester, the pitchman for Cheetos snacks, is this kind of animal a cheetah |
#8393, aired 2021-05-05 | CORPORATE MASCOTS $400: The Ticket Oak was a very giving magical tree for this rhyming company StubHub |
#8393, aired 2021-05-05 | CORPORATE MASCOTS $600: This longtime Kellogg's mascot is now touting chocolate & cinnamon versions of his favorite flakes Tony the Tiger |
#8393, aired 2021-05-05 | CORPORATE MASCOTS $800: This trademarked battery mascot is in the OED as "a persistent... person" the Energizer Bunny |
#8393, aired 2021-05-05 | CORPORATE MASCOTS $1000: This rodent grew up at St. Marinara's Orphanage & since he never knew his birthday, he hosted parties for kids Chuck E. Cheese |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (2 results returned)
#9181, aired 2024-10-14 | CORPORATE MASCOTS: A 2014 tweet said that this mascot was the "embodiment of a milkshake or taste bud" Grimace |
#10, aired 2023-01-12 | CORPORATE MASCOTS: Born on an island in a sea of milk, this pitchman was jokingly disavowed by the U.S. Navy by saying he is not in personnel records Cap'n Crunch |
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