Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#867, aired 1988-05-17COOKING WITH JULIA $100: Julia says to serve this color wine with a cheese souffle white
#867, aired 1988-05-17COOKING WITH JULIA $200: This hot egg yolk & butter sauce is flavored with lemon, unlike its sister "Bearnaise" Hollandaise
#867, aired 1988-05-17COOKING WITH JULIA $300: Her version of moussaka is this vegetable filled with onions, herbs, garlic, & ground roast leg of lamb eggplant
#867, aired 1988-05-17COOKING WITH JULIA $400: The most famous French beef stew, it uses wine as a simmering liquid beef bourguignon
#867, aired 1988-05-17COOKING WITH JULIA $500: For easy opening, set them curved side down on an electric burner & in a minute the shells begin to part oysters

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