Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#4878, aired 2005-11-23 | CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUMS $400: One of the largest contemp. art orgs., N.Y.'s P.S. 1, uses a building that began as this type of institution a (public) school |
#4878, aired 2005-11-23 | CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUMS $800: Tokyo's Museum of Contemporary Art exhibited this woman's art, including her Bed-In for Peace photos (Yoko) Ono |
#4878, aired 2005-11-23 | CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUMS $1200: This museum's ducts are color coded, blue for air, green for fluids, yellow for electrical, & red for movement Le Centre Pompidou |
#4878, aired 2005-11-23 | CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUMS $1600: This influential artist said of some Aboriginal art in Sydney's museum, "This is what I have been trying to achieve" Pablo Picasso |
#4878, aired 2005-11-23 | CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUMS $6,000 (Daily Double): Founded in 1939, this city's Contemporary Arts Center was at the center of a 1990s 1st Amendment case Cincinnati |
#4735, aired 2005-03-18 | CONTEMPORARY ART $400: Basquiat got attention, not detention, for this type of wall writing in "Hollywood Africans" graffiti |
#4735, aired 2005-03-18 | CONTEMPORARY ART $800: Her large installations "The Dinner Party" & "The Holocaust Project" have been published in book form Judy Chicago |
#4735, aired 2005-03-18 | CONTEMPORARY ART $900 (Daily Double): Christo had the idea for the Central Park project with this title in 1979; it was finally realized in 2005 The Gates |
#4735, aired 2005-03-18 | CONTEMPORARY ART $1200: Neo-expressionest Julian Schnabel changed canvases & directed this film about Cuban poet Reinaldo Arenas Before Night Falls |
#4735, aired 2005-03-18 | CONTEMPORARY ART $2000: This artist who died in 1990 created "Radiant Baby", which is sold at his art store in New York City Keith Haring |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)
#7909, aired 2019-01-17 | CONTEMPORARY ART: After it was auctioned in 2018, a work by this artist was renamed "Love is in the Bin" Banksy |
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