Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#4279, aired 2003-03-20 | CONFIRMATION CODE IS RLKTD $200: R as in this unusual way 1950s football lineman Bob St. Clair liked his meat raw |
#4279, aired 2003-03-20 | CONFIRMATION CODE IS RLKTD $400: L as in this island event where you literally pig out a luau |
#4279, aired 2003-03-20 | CONFIRMATION CODE IS RLKTD $600: K as in this brown seaweed that can be used as soup stock or turned into a powder for use as a seasoning kelp |
#4279, aired 2003-03-20 | CONFIRMATION CODE IS RLKTD $800: T as in this old word, a promise to marry that you might plight troth |
#4279, aired 2003-03-20 | CONFIRMATION CODE IS RLKTD $1000: D as in this word for a quilt that in French means a bird's plumage duvet |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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