Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7978, aired 2019-04-24GROSS CONFESSIONS $400: This actress said, "I hated wearing that outfit & sitting there rigid straight, & I couldn't wait to kill" Jabba the Hutt Carrie Fisher
#7978, aired 2019-04-24GROSS CONFESSIONS $800: After an accident, this author learned his nurses had been told by their boss "in no uncertain terms, don't make any 'Misery' jokes" Stephen King
#7978, aired 2019-04-24GROSS CONFESSIONS $1200: Learning archery "changed (her) body"; by "Catching Fire", "my shoulders were 2" broader, my right arm is 1" longer than my left" (Jennifer) Lawrence
#7978, aired 2019-04-24GROSS CONFESSIONS $1600: He said an ad on his Swift boat service "was skillfully done as an attack ad... if I heard that ad, I wouldn't vote for me" (John) Kerry
#7978, aired 2019-04-24GROSS CONFESSIONS $2000: This "In the Night Kitchen" author was childless, but would've preferred a daughter; "if I had a son, I'd leave him at the A & P" Maurice Sendak
#3266, aired 1998-11-16CONFESSIONS $200: These Styron "confessions" take us into the mind of a black revolutionary The Confessions of Nat Turner
#3266, aired 1998-11-16CONFESSIONS $400: This Russian count's "confession" of 1882 is among his most revealing works Leo Tolstoy
#3266, aired 1998-11-16CONFESSIONS $600: The "confessions" of this deeply religious church father began the genre St. Augustine
#3266, aired 1998-11-16CONFESSIONS $800: Thomas De Quincey's feverish "confessions" were about an "eater" of this Opium
#3266, aired 1998-11-16CONFESSIONS $1000: Honest self-analysis distinguished the "confessions" of this Swiss-French author who died in 1778 Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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