Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#1868, aired 1992-10-21 | COMPUTER TALK $100: On Mar. 6, 1992 thousands of computers were infected by a virus named for this Renaissance artist Michelangelo |
#1868, aired 1992-10-21 | COMPUTER TALK $200: Programs such as WordPerfect allow you to use your computer as this a word processor |
#1868, aired 1992-10-21 | COMPUTER TALK $300: Rather than meals, this display gives the user a choice of programs or functions menus |
#1868, aired 1992-10-21 | COMPUTER TALK $400: Unlike a laser printer, this type strikes the page to form characters in patterns of dots a dot matrix printer |
#1868, aired 1992-10-21 | COMPUTER TALK $500: A byte usually consists of 8 bits, & this consists of 4 a nibble |
#1644, aired 1991-10-24 | COMPUTER TALK $100: It's the "nuts & bolts" or physical components that make up a computer the hardware |
#1644, aired 1991-10-24 | COMPUTER TALK $200: A program that's easy to understand & operate is described by this "amicable" term user friendly |
#1644, aired 1991-10-24 | COMPUTER TALK $300: Knowingly spreading one of these "infectious" programs is a criminal act a virus |
#1644, aired 1991-10-24 | COMPUTER TALK $400: This term refers to the use of personal computers to design & print quality books & documents desktop publishing |
#1644, aired 1991-10-24 | COMPUTER TALK $500: Called AI for short, it refers to the use of computers to simulate human thinking artificial intelligence |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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