Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (25 results returned)

#8773, aired 2022-12-28COMPOSE YOURSELF $200: By Claude Debussy: "Prelude to the Afternoon of" this mythical creature a faun
#8773, aired 2022-12-28COMPOSE YOURSELF $400: By him: the opera "Così fan tutte" Mozart
#8773, aired 2022-12-28COMPOSE YOURSELF $600: From the 1870s, "Marche slave" & the opera "Eugene Onegin", by him Tchaikovsky
#8773, aired 2022-12-28COMPOSE YOURSELF $800: By Hector Berlioz: "Symphonie fantastique" , ending with their Sabbath the witches
#8773, aired 2022-12-28COMPOSE YOURSELF $1000: "The Carnival of the Animals", not publicly performed in full in his lifetime Saint-Saëns
#5813, aired 2009-12-16COMPOSE YOURSELF $400: This Polish composer who died in 1849 wrote almost exclusively for the piano Chopin
#5813, aired 2009-12-16COMPOSE YOURSELF $800: This composer of symphonies, operas & ballets studied to be a lawyer in St. Petersburg Tchaikovsky
#5813, aired 2009-12-16COMPOSE YOURSELF $1200: This composer's political satire "Of Thee I Sing" was the first musical comedy to win a Pulitzer Prize George Gershwin
#5813, aired 2009-12-16COMPOSE YOURSELF $1600: In the 1840s this composer's piano playing was the toast of Europe, taking him to more than 20 countries Franz Liszt
#5813, aired 2009-12-16COMPOSE YOURSELF $2000: This American ballet music composer also wrote the score for the film "Of Mice and Men" Aaron Copland
#4276, aired 2003-03-17COMPOSE YOURSELF $400: In 1762 Leopold Mozart presented musical performances by his kids, 10-year-old Nannerl & this 6-year-old Wolfgang Amadeus
#4276, aired 2003-03-17COMPOSE YOURSELF $800: He wrote the libretto to his own opera "Siegfried" Richard Wagner
#4276, aired 2003-03-17COMPOSE YOURSELF $1200: The same not very skillful eye surgeon operated on Bach & on this man born in 1685, his greatest contemporary George Frideric Handel
#4276, aired 2003-03-17COMPOSE YOURSELF $2,000 (Daily Double): City where the composer of the following lived; it's also in the name of the piece Vienna ("The Waltzes of Vienna")
#4276, aired 2003-03-17COMPOSE YOURSELF $2000: A controversial piece of his consists of a pianist sitting without playing for 4 minutes 33 seconds John Cage
#3963, aired 2001-11-21COMPOSE YOURSELF! $200: In 1899 this composer wrote the "Maple Leaf Rag", which increased the popularity of ragtime music Scott Joplin
#3963, aired 2001-11-21COMPOSE YOURSELF! $400: This major German composed the overture in C major heard here J.S. Bach
#3963, aired 2001-11-21COMPOSE YOURSELF! $600: This Italian composed 27 operas, including "Stiffelio", "Nabucco" & "Otello" Giuseppe Verdi
#3963, aired 2001-11-21COMPOSE YOURSELF! $800: The explosive conclusion of this Tchaikovsky composition is heard here "The 1812 Overture"
#3963, aired 2001-11-21COMPOSE YOURSELF! $1000: At his peak he composed 2 or 3 operas a year like "Lucia di Lammermoor" Gaetano Donizetti
#3608, aired 2000-04-19COMPOSE YOURSELF $200: This composer's shows "Cats" & "Phantom of the Opera" have won a total of 14 Tonys Andrew Lloyd Webber
#3608, aired 2000-04-19COMPOSE YOURSELF $400: Charles Jennens wrote, or rather assembled, the libretto for this composer's "Messiah" G.F. Handel
#3608, aired 2000-04-19COMPOSE YOURSELF $600: 19th century heir to Bach & Beethoven seen here: Johannes Brahms
#3608, aired 2000-04-19COMPOSE YOURSELF $800: In the "Farewell" symphony by this friend of Mozart, the musicians stop playing & leave the stage one by one Franz Joseph Haydn
#3608, aired 2000-04-19COMPOSE YOURSELF $1000: In the early 1900s he skipped through the Hungarian countryside to become a folk song authority Bela Bartok

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