Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9093, aired 2024-05-01COMPLIMENTS TO THE WRITER $400: "I greet you at the beginning of a great career" from this Mass. man was a "Leaves of Grass" blurb; so much for self-reliance, Walt Emerson
#9093, aired 2024-05-01COMPLIMENTS TO THE WRITER $800: The N.Y. Times said "The Secret History" by this woman was "remarkably powerful" & "ferociously well-paced " Donna Tartt
#9093, aired 2024-05-01COMPLIMENTS TO THE WRITER $1200: "You are the best author in human history"--in a kid's fan letter for "Watchmen"--became a blurb for his novel "Jerusalem" Alan Moore
#9093, aired 2024-05-01COMPLIMENTS TO THE WRITER $1600: For "In Our Time", Ford Madox Ford called him "the best writer in America at this moment (though ... he happens to be in Paris)" Hemingway
#9093, aired 2024-05-01COMPLIMENTS TO THE WRITER $2000: This famously publicity-averse "Vineland" novelist complimented George Saunders' work as "astoundingly tuned" Thomas Pynchon

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