Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7250, aired 2016-03-04 | COMPLETES THE TONY-WINNING PLAY TITLE $200: 1980: "____ of a Lesser God" Children |
#7250, aired 2016-03-04 | COMPLETES THE TONY-WINNING PLAY TITLE $400: 2008: "August: ____ County" Osage |
#7250, aired 2016-03-04 | COMPLETES THE TONY-WINNING PLAY TITLE $600: 1951: Tennessee Williams' "The Rose ____" Tattoo |
#7250, aired 2016-03-04 | COMPLETES THE TONY-WINNING PLAY TITLE $800: 1973, by Jason Miller: "That ____ Season" Championship |
#7250, aired 2016-03-04 | COMPLETES THE TONY-WINNING PLAY TITLE $1000: 1995: "Love! Valour! ____!" Compassion |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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