Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7910, aired 2019-01-18COMIC "ON" $400: lists Wonder Woman's occupation as this "princess " Amazon
#7910, aired 2019-01-18COMIC "ON" $800: An X-Men foe shares this name with a big bad guy from "The Lord of the Rings" Sauron
#7910, aired 2019-01-18COMIC "ON" $1200: It was the maiden name of Spider-Man's longtime love & eventual wife Mary Jane Watson
#7910, aired 2019-01-18COMIC "ON" $1600: Voiced by James Spader in an "Avengers" film, here, this Ultron
#7910, aired 2019-01-18COMIC "ON" $2000: Imbued with light energy, a son of Captain Marvel goes by this name, a word for a quantum of light photon
#6574, aired 2013-03-28BASED ON THE COMIC BOOK $200: In May 2012 this band of superheroes had the biggest box-office weekend of all time with $207 mil. domestically The Avengers
#6574, aired 2013-03-28BASED ON THE COMIC BOOK $400: Anne Hathaway is feline groovy as "cat" burglar Selina Kyle in this 2012 film The Dark Knight Rises
#6574, aired 2013-03-28BASED ON THE COMIC BOOK $600: In 2012 Nicolas Cage reprised this title role as Johnny Blaze, a motorcyclist who gives up his soul to become a vigilante Ghost Rider
#6574, aired 2013-03-28BASED ON THE COMIC BOOK $800: Gerard Christopher played the young hero in this 1988-1992 TV series; Stacy Haiduk was Lana Lang The Adventures of Superboy
#6574, aired 2013-03-28BASED ON THE COMIC BOOK $1000: This team first came to TV in 1967 as an animated series on which Jo Ann Pflug voiced the Invisible Woman The Fantastic Four

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#6111, aired 2011-03-21COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS ON SCREEN: From 1966 to 1968 this role was played by 2 different actresses in a TV series; it was also the title role in a 2004 film Catwoman

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