Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#6017, aired 2010-11-09 | COLLEGE HANGOUTS $400: Smith College students can sip this at the Haymarket Cafe, knowing it's what "cafe" means coffee |
#6017, aired 2010-11-09 | COLLEGE HANGOUTS $800: Bring your sonnets to the Rye Bar in Athens, Georgia on Mondays-- it's this "night" for unscheduled performers open mic night |
#6017, aired 2010-11-09 | COLLEGE HANGOUTS $1200: The Cougar Cottage is convenient to this Pacific Northwest campus in Pullman Washington State |
#6017, aired 2010-11-09 | COLLEGE HANGOUTS $1600: Governor Charlie Crist has been known to stop in at Big Daddy's, famed as a hangout for this school Florida State |
#6017, aired 2010-11-09 | COLLEGE HANGOUTS $2000: Long night of, uh, studying at this College Park school? How about a feta omelette at Plato's Diner the University of Maryland |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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