Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8503, aired 2021-11-03COFFEE IS LIFE $400: Opened in 1971, this Seattle coffee chain used the roasting techniques of competitor Alfred Peet Starbucks
#8503, aired 2021-11-03COFFEE IS LIFE $800: A 1773 act & this following protest prompted many in America to take up coffee the Boston Tea Party
#8503, aired 2021-11-03COFFEE IS LIFE $1200: In "Letters from Hawaii", Mark Twain said this local coffee "has a richer flavor than any other" Kona
#8503, aired 2021-11-03COFFEE IS LIFE $1600: This fictional coffee spokesperson is nothing without his mule Conchita Juan Valdez
#8503, aired 2021-11-03COFFEE IS LIFE $2000: Some of the highest rated coffee is from a roaster called Port of Mokha, named for a place in this war-torn country Yemen

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