Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6313, aired 2012-02-15COCA-COLA PRODUCTS AROUND THE WORLD $400: Inca Kola, developed in this country in 1935, is considered a national beverage there Peru
#6313, aired 2012-02-15COCA-COLA PRODUCTS AROUND THE WORLD $800: A mineral sports drink popular in Europe is named for this water bearer of the zodiac Aquarius
#6313, aired 2012-02-15COCA-COLA PRODUCTS AROUND THE WORLD $1200: In Japan, Hajime is the green type of this beverage tea
#6313, aired 2012-02-15COCA-COLA PRODUCTS AROUND THE WORLD $1600: In Vietnam lay down your sword & enjoy this energy drink named for a Japanese warrior Samurai
#6313, aired 2012-02-15COCA-COLA PRODUCTS AROUND THE WORLD $2000: In addition to the classic orange & grape, this soda brand also comes in flavors like aloe vera muscat, lychee & guarana Fanta

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