Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6720, aired 2013-11-29COATS & JACKETS $400: Complete with baby pouch, the amauti was the parka for women among this Native American group Eskimos (or Inuits)
#6720, aired 2013-11-29COATS & JACKETS $800: AKA a varsity jacket, it often sports a vowel or consonant representing its school or team a letter jacket (or letterman)
#6720, aired 2013-11-29COATS & JACKETS $1200: 6-letter name for a fish that inflates itself, or a thickly insulated, not always flattering winter coat a puffer
#6720, aired 2013-11-29COATS & JACKETS $2000: The narrator of a 1927 F. Scott Fitzgerald short story naturally wears a coat of this fur, popular at the time raccoon
#6720, aired 2013-11-29COATS & JACKETS $2,500 (Daily Double): This trademark long raincoat is perfect for the weather condition in its name London Fog

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