Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (45 results returned)
#8505, aired 2021-11-05 | CLUBS $200: AAA in the states & the R.A.C. in England helped promote safety regarding these, the "a" in the middle of their names automobile |
#8505, aired 2021-11-05 | CLUBS $400: Part of this youth club's pledge reads, "My hands to larger service, and my health to better living" the 4-H Club |
#8505, aired 2021-11-05 | CLUBS $600: Fittingly, this organization was founded in 1892 for outings in "mountain regions of the Pacific coast" the Sierra Club |
#8505, aired 2021-11-05 | CLUBS $800: In the early 1930s this Harlem nightclub made Cab Calloway the leader of its house orchestra the Cotton Club |
#8505, aired 2021-11-05 | CLUBS $1000: A creative club in this nation, Mbari Mbayo gets its name partially from the Igbo language Nigeria |
#8242, aired 2020-09-22 | COUNTRY CLUBS? $400: In 1956 the International Criminal Police Commission got this new & snazzier name INTERPOL |
#8242, aired 2020-09-22 | COUNTRY CLUBS? $800: The WTO, this club for commerce, has grown to more than 160 members the World Trade Organization |
#8242, aired 2020-09-22 | COUNTRY CLUBS? $1200: The FAO, the Food & this Organization, operates in more than 130 countries Agriculture |
#8242, aired 2020-09-22 | COUNTRY CLUBS? $1600: AOSIS, the Alliance of Small Island States, is concerned about a rise in this--1 meter would doom some of its members sea-levels |
#8242, aired 2020-09-22 | COUNTRY CLUBS? $2000: This 11-letter word is the "D" in IDA, a 173-member association that grants loans to foster growth in poor countries development |
#6887, aired 2014-07-22 | AFTER-SCHOOL CLUBS $200: Listen up & you can hear a member of this club practicing now the bowling club |
#6887, aired 2014-07-22 | AFTER-SCHOOL CLUBS $400: Hey Mr. Schue! Let's sing the praises of this choral club; the one at Yale is more than 150 years old a glee club |
#6887, aired 2014-07-22 | AFTER-SCHOOL CLUBS $600: The pair of masks seen here are symbolic of this club; come try out! drama club |
#6887, aired 2014-07-22 | AFTER-SCHOOL CLUBS $800: Future CEOs & entrepreneurs come together for meetings of the FBLA, BL standing for this business leaders |
#6887, aired 2014-07-22 | AFTER-SCHOOL CLUBS $1000: It's Greek to me, but you math whizzes might recognize the logo for this national honor society Mu Alpha Theta |
#6080, aired 2011-02-04 | CLUBS $200: On film the members of "The Breakfast Club" were sentenced to it in the library detention |
#6080, aired 2011-02-04 | CLUBS $400: Wal-Mart opened the first one in 1983; today there are 47 million U.S. members Sam's Club |
#6080, aired 2011-02-04 | CLUBS $600: Now a prestigious musical group, the glee club of this Boston-area school began in 1858 basically as a social club Harvard |
#6080, aired 2011-02-04 | CLUBS $800: This band was ready to "Tumble 4 Ya" in a hit song from 1983 Culture Club |
#6080, aired 2011-02-04 | CLUBS $1000: "Prosperity and opportunity through economic freedom" is the motto of the anti-tax "Club for" this Growth |
#6010, aired 2010-10-29 | COUNTRY CLUBS $400: Greece joined this military alliance in 1952, Bulgaria in 2004, though they're far from the body of water in its name NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) |
#6010, aired 2010-10-29 | COUNTRY CLUBS $800: Most everybody was invited to join this post-WWI club founded in 1919, but the U.S. turned down a membership the League of Nations |
#6010, aired 2010-10-29 | COUNTRY CLUBS $1600: This not-very-exclusive club founded in 1995 has 153 members (& they weren't too welcome in Seattle) the World Trade Organization |
#6010, aired 2010-10-29 | COUNTRY CLUBS $2000: The 8-member club formed by this treaty shutskied its doors in 1991 the Warsaw Pact |
#6010, aired 2010-10-29 | COUNTRY CLUBS $4,000 (Daily Double): Members of this club formed in 1993 include Latvia, Lithuania & Luxembourg--sorry, Libya, you're not invited the European Union |
#4577, aired 2004-06-29 | COUNTRY CLUBS $200: From India, the shashpar was a multi-bladed version of this spiked club a mace |
#4577, aired 2004-06-29 | COUNTRY CLUBS $400: A French riot policeman may wield this, simply the French word for "stick" a baton |
#4577, aired 2004-06-29 | COUNTRY CLUBS $600: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew speaks softly and carries a big stick.) An Irish saying says you can accomplish more with a kind word & one of these than just with a kind word a shillelagh |
#4577, aired 2004-06-29 | COUNTRY CLUBS $800: These sporting items L.J. Nicolls started making in Sussex in 1876 have been good for many centuries cricket bats |
#4577, aired 2004-06-29 | COUNTRY CLUBS $1000: A tetsubo is a club used by these fighters who originated as Japanese spies & commandos the ninja |
#3876, aired 2001-06-11 | CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS $200: The "big cats" who founded this organization in Chicago in 1917 allow no business discussions at meetings Lions Club |
#3876, aired 2001-06-11 | CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS $400: If you're a little eccentric, you probably know the I.O.O.F. is the Independent Order of these Odd Fellows |
#3876, aired 2001-06-11 | CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS $600: Gideons International makes its home in this state, also home to Thomas Nelson, the Bible publisher Tennessee |
#3876, aired 2001-06-11 | CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS $800: USA Life One was formerly named for this fictional character, as it was founded by Lew Wallace Ben-Hur |
#3876, aired 2001-06-11 | CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS $1000: Having over 50,000 members puts this "angler" author's league in the big leagues Izaak Walton League |
#2599, aired 1995-12-14 | CLUBS $100: Appropriately, the Sans-Souci Club of this Massachusetts city was known for its tea parties Boston |
#2599, aired 1995-12-14 | CLUBS $200: "Friend of Youth"' is the motto of these people who belong to the least pessimistic club we know the Optimists |
#2599, aired 1995-12-14 | CLUBS $300: It's the correct term for a member of a Rotary Club Rotarian |
#2599, aired 1995-12-14 | CLUBS $400: The Literary Club was founded in the 1760s by Sir Joshua Reynolds & this subject of a Boswell biography (Samuel) Johnson |
#2599, aired 1995-12-14 | CLUBS $500: This service organization sponsors Circle K International, a club for college students Kiwanis |
#578, aired 1987-02-25 | TEEN CLUBS $100: "On my honor, I will try: To serve God, my country, & mankind, & to live by" this club's law Girl Scouts |
#578, aired 1987-02-25 | TEEN CLUBS $200: In this "club" that has 243 offices nationally, teens set up real companies with adult help Junior Achievement |
#578, aired 1987-02-25 | TEEN CLUBS $300 (Daily Double): 2 of the 4 Hs for which the 4-H Club is named (2 of) health, head, heart & hand |
#578, aired 1987-02-25 | TEEN CLUBS $300: Boys planning to be househusbands might want to join this group known as "FHA" Future Homemakers of America |
#578, aired 1987-02-25 | TEEN CLUBS $400: The coed division of the Boy Scouts of America Explorers |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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