Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8053, aired 2019-09-18CLASSIC METAL BANDS $400: Megadeth founder Dave Mustaine partied so hard he got kicked out of this band whose very name says "metal" Metallica
#8053, aired 2019-09-18CLASSIC METAL BANDS $800: "And I want! And I need! And I lust!" are primal lyrics from this band's "Animal" Def Leppard
#8053, aired 2019-09-18CLASSIC METAL BANDS $1600: In 2010 this band's frontman Vince Neil took to the ice for ABC's "Skating with the Stars" Mötley Crüe
#8053, aired 2019-09-18CLASSIC METAL BANDS $2000: In the '90s singer Rob Halford told this Brit band, "You've got another thing comin'" (I'm leaving the group) Judas Priest
#8053, aired 2019-09-18CLASSIC METAL BANDS $7,600 (Daily Double): "We're Not Gonna Take It" by this Dee Snider band has some musical roots in "O Come, All Ye Faithful" Twisted Sister

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