Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#4929, aired 2006-02-02 | "CK", THE CATEGORY $400: Describes on e born an' reared within th' sound o' London's Bow Bells, it does cockney |
#4929, aired 2006-02-02 | "CK", THE CATEGORY $800: The pecan is a type of this tree whose wood is used in tool handles hickory |
#4929, aired 2006-02-02 | "CK", THE CATEGORY $1200: From an Old English word for "fair-haired", this male given name might be called elementary Sherlock |
#4929, aired 2006-02-02 | "CK", THE CATEGORY $1600: "The Pioneers" & "The Prairie" are 2 of the 5 historical novels in this series The Leatherstocking Tales |
#4929, aired 2006-02-02 | "CK", THE CATEGORY $2000: It's the 7-letter name of the American bird seen here the grackle |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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