Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5024, aired 2006-06-15CITY OF THE DAY: DETROIT $400: Because of its proximity to Canada, Detroit was a major stop on this antislavery network the Underground Railroad
#5024, aired 2006-06-15CITY OF THE DAY: DETROIT $800: In Grosse Point Shores, you can tour the antique-filled home of this man, the only son of an auto pioneer Edsel Ford
#5024, aired 2006-06-15CITY OF THE DAY: DETROIT $1200: In 1701 Antoine de la Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac, founded what would become Detroit on a channel linking these two lakes Lake Huron & Lake Erie
#5024, aired 2006-06-15CITY OF THE DAY: DETROIT $1600: In 1999, at the final sendoff for this structure, a sign in the upper deck read, "Today, there is crying..." Tiger Stadium
#5024, aired 2006-06-15CITY OF THE DAY: DETROIT $2000: The name of this group of towers that dominates the skyline was also the name of a 1970s effort to renew Detroit the Renaissance Center

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