Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3002, aired 1997-09-23CHER FILMS $100: Cher won Nicolas Cage's heart & an Oscar in this romantic comedy Moonstruck
#3002, aired 1997-09-23CHER FILMS $200: This film featured Cher as Meryl Streep's gal pal & co-worker at a nuclear plant Silkwood
#3002, aired 1997-09-23CHER FILMS $300: Cher was a "bewitching" sculptor in this movie based on a John Updike novel The Witches of Eastwick
#3002, aired 1997-09-23CHER FILMS $400: In this 1985 film, Cher portrayed Rusty Dennis, the mother of a disfigured son Mask
#3002, aired 1997-09-23CHER FILMS $500: Chazz Palminteri stars as a hit man hired to kill Cher in this 1996 black comedy Faithful

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