Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (9 results returned)

#8666, aired 2022-06-20CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS, COMMONLY $200: Sodium chloride, which you know better as "table" this salt
#8666, aired 2022-06-20CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS, COMMONLY $400: Don't chuckle--nitrous oxide also goes by this name laughing gas
#8666, aired 2022-06-20CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS, COMMONLY $600: Chimney sweeps may find this 4-letter form of amorphous carbon coating their workplace soot
#8666, aired 2022-06-20CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS, COMMONLY $800: Sodium bicarbonate, used in ovens & refrigerators alike, is known by this common 2-word name baking soda
#8666, aired 2022-06-20CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS, COMMONLY $1000: "G" is for this, hydrated calcium sulfate, used in drywall gypsum
#3889, aired 2001-06-28CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS $200: My name is C2H5OH & I'm this type of compound found in some beverages alcohol
#3889, aired 2001-06-28CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS $400: This synonym for "fragrant" is used of a group of hydrocarbons that includes benzene aromatic compounds
#3889, aired 2001-06-28CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS $500 (Daily Double): Rhyming names of 2 common petroleum products, one used in your tank & one on your skin gasoline & Vaseline
#3889, aired 2001-06-28CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS $600: Instead of this bath product brand name, you could cry "Sodium hexametaphosphate, take me away!" Calgon

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