Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4280, aired 2003-03-21CHEAT 'EM $400: 90 cadets were expelled in a 1951 cheating scandal at this academy West Point
#4280, aired 2003-03-21CHEAT 'EM $800: His classic song "Your Cheatin' Heart" didn't hit the charts until several weeks after his untimely death Hank Williams
#4280, aired 2003-03-21CHEAT 'EM $1200: It can mean to cheat or swindle somebody or to carve stone with a bevel-bladed tool chisel
#4280, aired 2003-03-21CHEAT 'EM $1600: In Ovid's "Metamorphoses", this lame fire god breaks up his cheatin' wife's affair with Mars with a bronze net Vulcan
#4280, aired 2003-03-21CHEAT 'EM $2000: In his "Devil's Dictionary", he defined peace as "a period of cheating between two periods of fighting" Ambrose Bierce

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