Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4991, aired 2006-05-01CHAMPS OF THE SQUARE CIRCLE $400: In March of 1966 in his native Toronto George Chuvalo lost a 15-round decision to this heavyweight boxing champ Muhammad Ali
#4991, aired 2006-05-01CHAMPS OF THE SQUARE CIRCLE $800: In real life it was the nickname of welterweight champ Benny Paret; in the movies, of the "Galahad" played by Elvis "Kid"
#4991, aired 2006-05-01CHAMPS OF THE SQUARE CIRCLE $1200: Born Walker Smith, Jr., this "honey" of a fighter won the middleweight title 5 times in the 1950s Sugar Ray Robinson
#4991, aired 2006-05-01CHAMPS OF THE SQUARE CIRCLE $1600: This Italian-Amer. heavyweight champ's nickname "Brockton Blockbuster" came from his Mass. hometown Rocky Marciano
#4991, aired 2006-05-01CHAMPS OF THE SQUARE CIRCLE $2000: This "Golden Boy" has an interest in architecture & told Interview magazine, "I really have a passion for designing" Oscar De La Hoya

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