Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6795, aired 2014-03-14CELEBS CELEBRATING $200: On a Beverly Hills roof in 2011, he feted his firing from "Two And A Half Men" holding a machete & saying, "Free at last!" Charlie Sheen
#6795, aired 2014-03-14CELEBS CELEBRATING $400: In 2012 this "Titanic" superstar celebrated his 38th birthday with a party that raised $500,000 for the Red Cross DiCaprio
#6795, aired 2014-03-14CELEBS CELEBRATING $600: After winning the Super Bowl in 2012, this Giants QB continued the "I'm going to Disney World!" thing Phil Simms began in 1987 Eli Manning
#6795, aired 2014-03-14CELEBS CELEBRATING $800: These 2 music giants generated some controversy in 2013 by celebrating 5th wedding anniv. in Cuba Beyonce & Jay-Z
#6795, aired 2014-03-14CELEBS CELEBRATING $1000: After winning an Oscar for "Million Dollar Baby", she headed off to a local burger joint, still in her gown Hilary Swank

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