Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9215, aired 2024-11-29 | CAUGHT SNACKING $200: You stole my last vintage bag of "Finz!" from the U.K.! Here in the States it's this cracker brand from Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers |
#9215, aired 2024-11-29 | CAUGHT SNACKING $400: I caught you eating a Vidalia one of these vegetables like it was an apple--or was it a Bermuda one? an onion |
#9215, aired 2024-11-29 | CAUGHT SNACKING $600: NGL, I was impressed when I saw you finish all of my party-sized Cool Ranch & Nacho Cheese bags of this brand of chip Doritos |
#9215, aired 2024-11-29 | CAUGHT SNACKING $800: I understand putting this spread of mashed chickpeas on celery, but I saw you dip your whole fist in it a la Winnie-the-Pooh hummus |
#9215, aired 2024-11-29 | CAUGHT SNACKING $1000: You swallowed my 5-pack of this Japanese probiotic drink that's said to improve gut health Yakult |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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