Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#6466, aired 2012-10-29CASEY AT THE BAT $200: As Casey came up to the plate, "there was Jimmy safe at second and Flynn a-hugging" this base third
#6466, aired 2012-10-29CASEY AT THE BAT $400: "Responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed" this his hat
#6466, aired 2012-10-29CASEY AT THE BAT $600: After Casey stared at a called strike one, someone in the stands shouted, "Kill" this person the umpire
#6466, aired 2012-10-29CASEY AT THE BAT $800: These 5 concluding words follow "there is no joy in Mudville..." "Mighty Casey has struck out."
#6466, aired 2012-10-29CASEY AT THE BAT $1000: "Casey at the Bat" was first published on June 3, 1888 in this San Francisco newspaper owned by W.R. Hearst The Examiner
#6235, aired 2011-10-28CASEY AT THE BAT $200: Future Major Leaguer Casey Kotchman hit .456 to help lead Seminole High in this state to the 2001 national title Florida
#6235, aired 2011-10-28CASEY AT THE BAT $400: He made the Hall of Fame as a Yankees manager, but he also batted .284 in 14 big-league seasons Casey Stengel
#6235, aired 2011-10-28CASEY AT THE BAT $600: From 1999 to 2005, Sean Casey batted .300 or better 5 times in 7 seasons for this Ohio team the (Cincinnati) Reds
#6235, aired 2011-10-28CASEY AT THE BAT $800: Casey Candaele played 9 seasons in the majors; his mom Helen played ball too, & helped inspire this 1992 film A League of Their Own
#6235, aired 2011-10-28CASEY AT THE BAT $1000: Joe Casey batted .152 for the 1911 Detroit Tigers; this Georgia-born teammate batted .420 Ty Cobb
#2163, aired 1994-01-19CASEY AT THE BAT $100: "There is no joy in" this city Mudville
#2163, aired 1994-01-19CASEY AT THE BAT $200: Number of outs when Casey came to bat 2
#2163, aired 1994-01-19CASEY AT THE BAT $300: This Yankee manager titled his autobiography "Casey at the Bat" Casey Stengel
#2163, aired 1994-01-19CASEY AT THE BAT $400: Ernest Lawrence Thayer published the poem in this California city's Examiner in 1888 San Francisco
#2163, aired 1994-01-19CASEY AT THE BAT $500: When Casey came to bat, there were men on these bases second & third

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