Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8496, aired 2021-10-25CARNIVAL TALK $200: Also a first name, it's a local visitor to a carnival ready to be separated from his money; it may have "easy" before it mark
#8496, aired 2021-10-25CARNIVAL TALK $400: A butcher is a strolling peddler of refreshment like this sweet stuff, also called floss cotton candy
#8496, aired 2021-10-25CARNIVAL TALK $600: By itself or followed by "hoo", it's the spiel that a barker uses to entice a crowd to enter a sideshow bally
#8496, aired 2021-10-25CARNIVAL TALK $800: It's the more conventional 2-word name for a lead joint, the game seen here a shooting gallery
#8496, aired 2021-10-25CARNIVAL TALK $1000: A G-top is for carnival people only, often after hours with the "G" standing for this activity gambling

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