Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8379, aired 2021-04-15CAPITAL "C" $400: A system of tunnels & bridges connects this capital with Malmo, Sweden Copenhagen
#8379, aired 2021-04-15CAPITAL "C" $800: A promontory of "Good Hope" is near this legislative capital Cape Town
#8379, aired 2021-04-15CAPITAL "C" $1600: This birthplace of Simon Bolivar has a population of 2 million Caracas
#8379, aired 2021-04-15CAPITAL "C" $2,000 (Daily Double): This capital lies on the banks of the world's longest river Cairo
#8379, aired 2021-04-15CAPITAL "C" $2000: The second-southernmost capital in the world, it was affected by wildfires in 2003 Canberra

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