Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9114, aired 2024-05-30CANON EVENTS $200: When but a child, this FBI agent tried unsuccessfully to save a lamb, a moment that would stay with her later in life Clarice (Starling)
#9114, aired 2024-05-30CANON EVENTS $400: Kill the dog of this man, the underworld's most feared assassin? That'll bring out some hand cannons John Wick
#9114, aired 2024-05-30CANON EVENTS $600: An enchantress' curse in this 1991 Disney film forced a life of reclusiveness for one of the title pair Beauty and the Beast
#9114, aired 2024-05-30CANON EVENTS $800: In "The Princess Bride", Count Rugen offers everything to this man who kills the count anyway, saying, "I want my father back" Inigo Montoya
#9114, aired 2024-05-30CANON EVENTS $1000: In "Kill Bill", she played Elle Driver, who lost an eye to her master Pai Mei; she'd later see things differently Daryl Hannah

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