Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9217, aired 2024-12-03 | CAMERAS & PHOTOGRAPHY $400: A type of lens where the focal length is shorter than the lens' length is called this, partly from Greek for "afar" telephoto |
#9217, aired 2024-12-03 | CAMERAS & PHOTOGRAPHY $800: A DSLR camera is a digital single-lens this reflex |
#9217, aired 2024-12-03 | CAMERAS & PHOTOGRAPHY $1600: To get a stick motion blur, you can allow more light to pass through your cam by setting a slow speed of this device the shutter |
#9217, aired 2024-12-03 | CAMERAS & PHOTOGRAPHY $2000: The name of this German camera company bears the first 3 letters of the company's early leader Ernst Leitz Leica |
#9217, aired 2024-12-03 | CAMERAS & PHOTOGRAPHY $4,000 (Daily Double): His first roll of pictures from a Brownie camera was developed at Pillsbury's Pictures in Old Yosemite Village Ansel Adams |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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