Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5579, aired 2008-12-04CAKE DECORATING $400: Marzipan, used to cover or decorate cakes, is a paste made from this nut almonds
#5579, aired 2008-12-04CAKE DECORATING $800: To make edible flowers & ribbons, sugar can be pulled, spun or this, as in making glass blown
#5579, aired 2008-12-04CAKE DECORATING $1200: Good modeling chocolate has a high content of this fatty solid that comes from the seeds of the bean cocoa butter
#5579, aired 2008-12-04CAKE DECORATING $1600: This decorative flourish on a cake shares its name with the ornamental band on upholstery piping
#5579, aired 2008-12-04CAKE DECORATING $2000: French for "melting", this pliable sugar mixture is rolled & used as an icing to cover cakes of any shape & size fondant

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