Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7786, aired 2018-06-18BUT IT'S LUNCHTIME $200: These cubes in a Caesar salad can be Parmesan cheese-flavored croutons
#7786, aired 2018-06-18BUT IT'S LUNCHTIME $400: Every Scot knows that cock-a-leekie soup is a fine repast based on leeks & a stock made from this chicken
#7786, aired 2018-06-18BUT IT'S LUNCHTIME $600: It's Friday, so I'm having the proverbial 3-this lunch, dry with Belvedere if you don't mind martini
#7786, aired 2018-06-18BUT IT'S LUNCHTIME $800: Hillshire Farm's fine selection of lunch meat includes the Black Forest type of this ham
#7786, aired 2018-06-18BUT IT'S LUNCHTIME $1000: I'm feeling like a little cheese, so my choice is this Mexican treat, from the Spanish for "little cheese" quesadilla

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