Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6767, aired 2014-02-04BUSINESS & THE MARKET $200: In 2008 Toyota ended this company's 77-year reign as the world's top automaker General Motors
#6767, aired 2014-02-04BUSINESS & THE MARKET $400: Since 1957 Standard & Poor's has had an index of this many stocks 500
#6767, aired 2014-02-04BUSINESS & THE MARKET $600: In 1967 this company's holdings included 2 peewee Nebraska insurance companies; now it owns GEICO Berkshire Hathaway
#6767, aired 2014-02-04BUSINESS & THE MARKET $800: In 2013 Facebook dangled $3 billion in cash in front of this photo-messaging company, which said no Snapchat
#6767, aired 2014-02-04BUSINESS & THE MARKET $1000: This giant Peoria-based company purchased ERA Mining Machinery in 2012 Caterpillar

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