Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#6954, aired 2014-12-04 | BUSINESS & BRAND NAMES $200: Lines from this toy brand include Chima, Creator & Mindstorms Lego |
#6954, aired 2014-12-04 | BUSINESS & BRAND NAMES $400: That cute little guy represents this Google operating system Android |
#6954, aired 2014-12-04 | BUSINESS & BRAND NAMES $600: Fittingly, the Ocean Berry flavor of Act Kids oral rinse features this cartoon character on the label SpongeBob |
#6954, aired 2014-12-04 | BUSINESS & BRAND NAMES $800: Head to the very end of the alphabet for the name of this skateboarding store that started in Seattle in 1978 Zumiez |
#6954, aired 2014-12-04 | BUSINESS & BRAND NAMES $1000: Dr. Dre helped found this brand of headphones, sold as part of a deal to Apple in 2014 Beats |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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