Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#4323, aired 2003-05-21 | BUMPS ON THE GLOBE $200: If Montana invaded Idaho, its forces would cross the Bitterroot range of these mountains Rockies |
#4323, aired 2003-05-21 | BUMPS ON THE GLOBE $400: This country's Cordillera Cantabrica is even tougher to get across than the nearby Pyrenees Spain |
#4323, aired 2003-05-21 | BUMPS ON THE GLOBE $600: The Kjolen Mountains, on the Norway-Sweden border, extend north into this people's "land" Lapps |
#4323, aired 2003-05-21 | BUMPS ON THE GLOBE $800: Eastern Russia's Stanovoy Mountains form a watershed between the Pacific Ocean & this one Arctic Ocean |
#4323, aired 2003-05-21 | BUMPS ON THE GLOBE $1000: The Elburz Mountains, on the Caspian Sea's south shore in this country, rise to over 18,000 feet at Mt. Damavand Iran |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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