Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)

#7255, aired 2016-03-11BUGGY WORDS & PHRASES $400: This adjective means timeworn as well as destroyed by certain lepidopterans moth-eaten
#7255, aired 2016-03-11BUGGY WORDS & PHRASES $800: This high hairstyle created a "buzz" in the 1960s a beehive
#7255, aired 2016-03-11BUGGY WORDS & PHRASES $1200: The ball is handed off, tossed back to the quarterback, then thrown downfield in this football play the flea flicker
#7255, aired 2016-03-11BUGGY WORDS & PHRASES $1600: A nice housewarming gift, it grows easily in baskets a spider plant
#7255, aired 2016-03-11BUGGY WORDS & PHRASES $4,000 (Daily Double): This phrase for a flaw that spoils something good has its origin in Ecclesiastes 10:1 a fly in the ointment
#5474, aired 2008-05-29HORSE & BUGGY $400: Made of keratin, it's the equine equivalent of a claw a hoof
#5474, aired 2008-05-29HORSE & BUGGY $800: On the housefly, these are composed of up to 4,000 individual lenses eyes
#5474, aired 2008-05-29HORSE & BUGGY $1200: The cells bees make for workers, males & queens are different in size, but all are this shape hexagon
#5474, aired 2008-05-29HORSE & BUGGY $1600: A bean with mottled markings shares its name with this equine a pinto
#5474, aired 2008-05-29HORSE & BUGGY $2000: "Health, history, horses" is the motto of this city in upstate New York Saratoga Springs
#5472, aired 2008-05-27BUGGY $200: In 1897 Dr. Ronald Ross demonstrated that malaria was transmitted by these insects mosquitoes
#5472, aired 2008-05-27BUGGY $400: Salticidae, the jumping types of these arachnids, have hairy bodies & feed on insects & on others of their kind spiders
#5472, aired 2008-05-27BUGGY $600: Some ants herd these small insects of the order Hemiptera for the sweet excretions they produce aphids
#5472, aired 2008-05-27BUGGY $800: The term "locust" commonly refers to the short-horned variety of this insect a grasshopper
#5472, aired 2008-05-27BUGGY $1000: Edward Lorenz' "effect" on how something small can make a big change in the weather is named for this insect the butterfly
#4747, aired 2005-04-05GOING BUGGY $200: These insects often cause more damage to homes per year than fires, tornadoes & earthquakes combined termites
#4747, aired 2005-04-05GOING BUGGY $400: When disturbed, this appropriately named insect gives off a smelly odor a stinkbug
#4747, aired 2005-04-05GOING BUGGY $600: Up to 2 inches long, the palmetto bug of Florida is one of these pests a cockroach
#4747, aired 2005-04-05GOING BUGGY $800: Often fatal, Rocky Mountain spotted fever is transmitted by the dog type or Rocky Mountain wood type of this a tick
#4747, aired 2005-04-05GOING BUGGY $1000: The potter or mason type of this is named for its pot-shaped mud nest a wasp

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