Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9164, aired 2024-09-19BUGGING OUT $200: Named for jaws that resemble antlers, the male stag is the largest species of this insect in Europe a beetle
#9164, aired 2024-09-19BUGGING OUT $400: In 2011 the Cockerell's variety of this large bee was rediscovered after 55 years in the White Mountains of New Mexico bumblebee
#9164, aired 2024-09-19BUGGING OUT $600: In 2024, for the first time since 2015, both a 13-year & 17-year brood of this insect emerged in the same year a cicada
#9164, aired 2024-09-19BUGGING OUT $800: Although it has a reputation as a predator, this spider, Loxosceles reclusa, prefers to eat dead insects whenever possible a brown recluse
#9164, aired 2024-09-19BUGGING OUT $1000: In the Amazon, butterflies flock to river turtles to drink their tears, which supply them with this much-needed element sodium

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