Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8373, aired 2021-04-07BROADWAY BOUND $200: In 1988 this "Material Girl" decided to "Take a Bow" in "Speed-the-Plow" on Broadway Madonna
#8373, aired 2021-04-07BROADWAY BOUND $600: "A divine musical comedy", boasted the Broadway show based on this movie in which Whoopi Goldberg donned a nun's habit the Sister Act
#8373, aired 2021-04-07BROADWAY BOUND $800: In 1992, after a long run as a sexy villain on TV's "Dynasty", she made her Broadway debut in a Noel Coward play (Joan) Collins
#8373, aired 2021-04-07BROADWAY BOUND $1000: In 1966 this writer had 4 shows running simultaneously on Broadway, including "Barefoot in the Park" Neil Simon
#8373, aired 2021-04-07BROADWAY BOUND $1,200 (Daily Double): Songs in this show include "Der Guten Tag Hop-Clop" & "Where Did We Go Right?" The Producers
#4658, aired 2004-12-01SPELL-BOUND FOR BROADWAY $400: This dairyman ponders what it would be like "if I were a rich man" T-E-V-Y-E
#4658, aired 2004-12-01SPELL-BOUND FOR BROADWAY $1200: This inspector relentlessly pursues Le Miserable Jean Valjean J-A-V-E-R-T
#4658, aired 2004-12-01SPELL-BOUND FOR BROADWAY $1600: This "Beauty and the Beast" character is an enchanted candlestick played by Peter Flynn L-U-M-I-E-R-E
#4658, aired 2004-12-01SPELL-BOUND FOR BROADWAY $1,900 (Daily Double): Martin Dysart psychoanalyzes a boy who's been re-creating the centaur myth in this drama E-Q-U-U-S
#4658, aired 2004-12-01SPELL-BOUND FOR BROADWAY $2000: Don Quixote, the "Man of La Mancha", worships her as "Dulcinea" A-L-D-O-N-Z-A

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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