Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5474, aired 2008-05-29BROADWAY BEFORE & AFTER $400: Anna goes to the royal palace in Bangkok & helps a Chinese-American architect build the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame The King and I.M. Pei
#5474, aired 2008-05-29BROADWAY BEFORE & AFTER $800: Eliza Doolittle adds a saucy new tune to her repertoire: "Gitchie, gitchie ya ya, da da" My Fair Lady Marmalade
#5474, aired 2008-05-29BROADWAY BEFORE & AFTER $1200: 17 dancers are cut down to 8, then form this to divide offense from defense on the gridiron A Chorus Line of scrimmage
#5474, aired 2008-05-29BROADWAY BEFORE & AFTER $1600: "How are things in Glocca Morra?" Well, Og the leprechaun wants his gold & some "multi-colored" fish for a start Finian's Rainbow trout
#5474, aired 2008-05-29BROADWAY BEFORE & AFTER $2000: Pointillist Seurat sings, dances & writes "Animal Farm" Sunday in the Park with George Orwell

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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