Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3954, aired 2001-11-08 | BREW INNS $100: This ceremony in Tokyo's Keio Plaza Hotel achieves the 4 principles of harmony, respect, purity & tranquility a tea ceremony |
#3954, aired 2001-11-08 | BREW INNS $200: B.R.E.W. stands for the "Rescue, Education & Welfare" of this breed of dog popularized by Charles Schulz the beagle |
#3954, aired 2001-11-08 | BREW INNS $300: Plant your own bush at the Tranquil Resort near Bangalore, a vacation plantation for this crop coffee |
#3954, aired 2001-11-08 | BREW INNS $400: It's from the Latin for "warming"; Whispered Prayers Wicca Store has a 2-gallon one for all your toil & trouble a caldron |
#3954, aired 2001-11-08 | BREW INNS $500: Reed's Brew Soda contains a large proportion of this root that is cultivated extensively in Asia & Jamaica ginger |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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