Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6199, aired 2011-07-21BOURBON PLANNING $400: This man for whom a Clermont, Ky. bourbon is named uses the more formal "James" in the name of the company Jim Beam
#6199, aired 2011-07-21BOURBON PLANNING $800: Bourbon is made with this type of mash that uses liquid from a prior distillation; so is Jack Daniel's, but Jack ain't bourbon sourmash
#6199, aired 2011-07-21BOURBON PLANNING $1200: Legend has it that this brand's founder took its name from a southern belle's corsage Four Roses
#6199, aired 2011-07-21BOURBON PLANNING $1600: The brand Evan Williams honors "Kentucky's first distiller", who set up on the banks of this river in Louisville in 1783 the Ohio
#6199, aired 2011-07-21BOURBON PLANNING $2000: 3 parts Maker's Mark + 1 part sweet vermouth + maraschino juice + the cherry = the Maker's Mark this cocktail Manhattan

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