Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7046, aired 2015-04-13BOTTLES OF BEER $200: It's a value brand as well as the name that follows "Anheuser" Busch
#7046, aired 2015-04-13BOTTLES OF BEER $400: Tecate Light is the bestselling light beer in this country where it's brewed Mexico
#7046, aired 2015-04-13BOTTLES OF BEER $600: Michelob has 4 ingredients: water, barley malt, yeast & these blossoms that flavor the beer hops
#7046, aired 2015-04-13BOTTLES OF BEER $800: This Miller brand whose name implies a swell time has been around since 1903 Miller High Life
#7046, aired 2015-04-13BOTTLES OF BEER $1000: The bestselling Irish lager is the beer with this musical name Harp
#5406, aired 2008-02-255 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE BOARD $200: This "King of Beers" was the official beer of the 2007 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Budweiser
#5406, aired 2008-02-255 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE BOARD $400: This company's website says it has been "brewed for over 30 years (&) is the first lite beer" Miller
#5406, aired 2008-02-255 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE BOARD $600: This company's beer, introduced in 1874, "is brewed in the Rockies for a uniquely crisp, clean... Mile High taste" Coors
#5406, aired 2008-02-255 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE BOARD $800: In 1897 Wilhelm Hasse of the Moctezuma Brewery created a beer named Siglo XX; today, it's known as this Dos Equis
#5406, aired 2008-02-255 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE BOARD $1000: Two-row barley & German noble aroma hops help make this Founding Father's Boston Lager go down easy Samuel Adams

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