Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3066, aired 1997-12-22BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY $200: Think of this "Angel of the Battlefield", born on Christmas in 1821, when you look at the angel on your tree Clara Barton
#3066, aired 1997-12-22BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY $400: We assume this country music blonde celebrates her Dec. 25 birthday with her sisters Louise & Irlene Barbara Mandrell
#3066, aired 1997-12-22BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY $600: This late, great jazz singer was born on Christmas Day in 1907; Hi-de-hi-de-ho-ho-ho! Cab Calloway
#3066, aired 1997-12-22BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY $800: His birthday may have inspired him to write "Night of the Meek", a Christmas episode of "The Twilight Zone" Rod Serling
#3066, aired 1997-12-22BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY $2,000 (Daily Double): This singer who lives in Key West gets festive on his Christmas birthday by singing the following: "I'd like to spend Christmas on Christmas Island..." Jimmy Buffett

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